"Take the time today to love yourself"
Book an appointment: 07967014979
"Take the time today to love yourself"
From an unwitting personal journey that led us to the discovery of the benefits of adopting a healthy and natural lifestyle to creating a life of wellness and balance.
Free To Explore Beauty has come a long way since 2006, driven by our love for nature and strong ethical values, we share with our clients 100% natural and certified organic beauty treatments, and beauty products that they too can create balance and harmony within their own lives.
By choosing to use different products, eat nourishing fresh food and look after our bodies, we take responsibility for our own health rather than look to another to ‘cure’ them. Having said that, it is essential that a doctor is consulted if any type of symptom persists as one cannot rely on only one approach to heal – it is always a delicate balance.
A commitment to an organic and natural way of life is only one part of our journey. Changes have to take place at many levels. The price of beauty should not be the EARTH. We believe that quality and integrity of ingredients should never be sacrificed in the quest for beauty.
We urge everyone to play their part in preserving our earth for our children and future generations, by adopting a more eco-friendly and ethical lifestyle to make our world a greener place to live.
Stay Healthy, Be Happy and Live Harmoniously.
Be free to explore.
“I’ve realised my dream but never thought it would take me this far. In trying to find a solution for myself, I have helped thousands of other women and men. I continue to educate and inform as many people who are ready to listen.
Do you know what is contained in that skincare product you used last night or the one you washed your face in this morning? You have a right to know and understand what’s in all your cosmetics, skincare, beauty and household products.
For the sake of your health and those of your nearest and dearest, go check them now!”
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